Euthanasia seems to be choice of Pakistan. Even the court of international laws strongly refutes slightest whiff of Euthanasia, but Pakistan with its contorted view has not only changed the definition of it but also strongly pursuing it. As Condoliza Rice puts it: Pakistan is going to be consumed by terrorism that it supports. Means : Self death.
Dwelling on recent terrorist attacks carried by Pakistan will be very blasé. As our electronic media and print media has gone at great length to show the repercussions of these attacks, nature of attack and those involved and their motives behind it . After garnering support from all countries India has not only shown its sagacity in dealing with the crisis but also has given its neighboring state a great chance to do introspection. What followed was half hearted confession, some times defiant denial from Pakistan.
Going by the status quo , it leaves no doubt in the mind that relationship between both countries is at its nadir. All efforts towards building confidence and trust between two countries over the years seem to have gone in vain. In short unfortunately we are back to square one.
Now what should be approach of both countries needs to be debated. In the event of death anniversary of benezir bhutoo , president Zardari confessed: we ourselves have problem; We ourselves have a cancer. Mere confession does not really address the problem. Deeply rooted nexus between Pakistani intelligence and military establishments ; internal co-operation between Non-state actors and State actors; multi power centers namely Pakistan military, government and religious extremists are some of the many tentacles this cancer has. Open admission by Pakistan president in the event of war was that its government may lose power to some Taliban like power center which is sufficient to bring instability in south Asia. With Pakistani government promising to solve its problem by itself but simultaneously blatant refusal to accept Mumbai attack blame questions very basis fundamentals of Pakistani interest to set its house in order.
Now international community can not simply turn a blind eye . Admonishing incompetent government may not produce enough result as its hands are tied . What needs to be done is incising the cancer by so called NATO doctors. Severing links between ISI , terrorists; smashing all training camps by air strike and capturing all most wanted are some of the immediate measures . Some help to develop economy may act as stimulus to over all development of the country which can deter its citizens from going in a wrong path.
Better relationship with its neighbour and rest of the world can improve its tarnished image and make it a responsible and sensible country in the world.
Written By
Dhananjay Mohapatra
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